Does insects are going to become staple food for forthcoming generations


Cricket farming:-Getting wonder?

Well don’t get panic, it is not that cricket now whole world shaking with fever as now season of world cup. But crickets are insects that belongs to species Grasshoppers.

Crickets are going to become staple food for 21st century? It may quite embarrassing to hear, but it is the fact. Its not a new concept as already Americans start to dine on Products like Cricket protein nutribars, cookies, pastas .Keeping in view of growing population, and scaresity of water the world now thinking to cultivate instant  farming  or insect farming to meat the worlds  growing food demands In coming future to reduce the protein deficiencies’ in human and as well as animals insect farming turns to be the best solution. The water usage for growing the meat sources like, chicken, meat, goat and other animal stock is becoming a big burden. As well as for growing crops also need extensive water supply. Adding to this the environmental changes causing drastic decrease yielding crops and their quality as well.

Problem of protein deficiency:

According to some studies not only human beings but also every living thing may face the problem of protein deficiency. The best solution for this problem is cultivating insects or insect farming. Its not a new thing. In many countries like, Mexico, Africa and America are already included insects in their diet. In India also in some places people have the habit of eating insects.

Food scarcity in coming generations:

Worlds population is reaching up to 900 crores, leading to arise food scarcity and the food sources at present are not sufficient to meat the need. Not only for human, animals also must face this problem as well. So, America, Britain and Europe countries are planning to manufacture Agri protein from insects and utilize as food.

The proteins obtained from insects is very high when compared to the protein from pulses and other meat products. It is estimated that for cultivating 1 kilo of meat at least 15,000 ltrs of water needed. Whereas insects hardly use 8 letters. The cost is also very high. The proliferation of insects is also tranquil and take less time. Whereas in animals it takes at least 2 years to give half springs. And the diseases like H1N1, Mad cow cannot spread in insects. And even control Methane gas emmition from animals. Only needs less agricultural lands. Shingle Warm, crickets, grasshoppers, merlworms, Black soldiers fly edible insects Are grown in farms. Insect cultivation is much more like honeybee & silkworm breeding. According the type of insect they collect in different stages like in larva stage, pupa stage and in developed stage and grade them accordingly. Removing humidity in them by drying and stored. Ensect institute in Paris is cultivating this insect and producing nearly 30 tons protein in a month. The food for insects is also not of expensive only the leftover food is used. And even the excretes of insects can be used as manure called as Agri protein and used for trees and fishes and for some animals.

Nutrients in insects:

Insects diet is a protein pack food. Along with proteins probiotics, which is useful in digestive system and lots of micro nutrients, are plenty in them.VitaminB12 which increases resistance and Riboflavin, Vitamin A obtained  from insects. They even rich in minerals, salts and fibre.



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