Does cucumbers have magic wand in reducing weight?


Does cucumbers have magic wand in reducing weight?

Experts are saying “yes”.

As all know that cucumbers (mostly called as kheera) have high nutrient values and zero-calories and packs of water. They add a pleasant taste to salads; without this we cannot imagine about salads and also they are munched as snack. One of the other specifications of cucumbers is their excellent digestive effect and give a lighter feeling and splendid substitute to the diet planners to balance hunger.

Besides their excellent taste and easily digestible they are indeed useful in natural weight loss.
As cucumbers are wonderful ways to reduce weight here are some suggestions for weight loss.

It is proclaimed that cucumbers tend to loss up to 7 kilos in 15 days. Like protein this diet also assure you to reduce fat around stomach and extra weight by substitute most of our diet with cucumbers along with vegetables and fruits. Whenever you hungry prefer to eat cucumbers and eliminate other calorized foods. You can eat as much as you can, but this diet plan should not exceed more than 15 days.

Cucumbers are best substitutes as they contain low-calories and low -fats only 0.35 grams. And rich in nutrients like vitamin A, B and K and a pack of high folate value, ensures the daily needed nutrients.

For those who find it difficult to keep carbohydrates away. Since we are planning of cucumbers as a main diet keeping away all other fats and oils can may include some carbs along with cucumbers as they provide much needed energy to burn fats.

So, cucumbers good help in shedding calories fast. It is said that about 5 kilos of weight can be reduced in a week time.

However, cucumbers are best sources for weight loss along with vegetables, we must keep in mind that it has some restriction by nature. In long run we have to search other options as this diet cannot be fallowed more than 15 days and should follow a nutrient rich diet and regime workout help us to lose weight .It is difficult to fallow strict diet plan like cucumber for long .If you plan to shed your weight in very short time this cucumber diet is an excellent plan provided with necessary protein sources for the day. However, you should not take this as a substitute for a dietitian’s advice.



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