Worried about your ATM cards?


Now a day’s all financial transactions are became cashless and carried through cards. So like cash there is always a threat of loss of cards.

So what to do then?

Normally as recommended by banks authorities we call to customer care and block our cards. This is normal. What if this becomes easier like if we off the card when it is not in use and on it when it required?

How is this possible?

It is possible if you install a special apps. It is in practice in abroad. Enter your credit or debit card details in this app and manage it. We can control the off record payments by this. If the card can be stolen then also no need to panic. The banking institutes are intending to bring this provision in our country. By this app we can know the card status, banking transactions and expiry date etc,. In advance.

Worried about your ATM cards?



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