What is D vitamin? How it helps to our body?


What is D vitamin?

D-Vitamin is essential for strengthening bones as it promotes the body to utilize calcium that we take through various foods. Vitamin D is probably known as sunshine as the sun rays are the main source this vitamin. Now a days in this computerized century people are sticking to indoors rather than roaming in sun eventually leading to Vitamin D deficiency. People live in northern latitudes, wearing long burakhas and those are dark skinned, as melanin resist the sun rays causing deficiency of Vitamin D. People who strictly stick to vegan diet also subjected to D Vitamin deficiency. Morning sunlight has D vitamin abundant.

How deficiency of Vitamin D effect mankind?

Deficiency of D vitamin may probe rickets with lack of minerals resulting brittle bones and skeletal distortion. And cause pains in bones, weakness, cardiovascular diseases, cognitive impairment in adults, asthma in children and even cancers. Sometimes as age advancing in human kidneys fail to convert Vitamin D into fruitful forms. And your obesity also causes deficiency as fatty cells altering its release in circulation. People with over than 30 BMI contain low D vitamin levels.

What should we do to increase our D vitamin levels?

By spending time in morning sun as sunlight is rich in D vitamin.
Consuming D vitamin rich food products, like fish, like salmon fish, fish liver oils and egg yolks, dairy products that are fortified by nutrients and some grains. Consult your doctor to take D vitamin supplements.

Here are some drinks with D vitamin rich to beat the deficiency:

  1. Cow milk: cow milk is natural abundant source of D vitamin and various nutrients. Nutritionists suggest consuming full fat milk as it is rich in D vitamin.
  2. Yogurt: Yogurt is rich in D vitamin prefer homemade yogurt as prevent addition of preservatives. One of delicious yogurt is mint lossy prepared by adding mint to yogurt.
  3. Soya milk: Vegans can prefer this milk as they usually avoid animal products and D vitamin mostly obtained in animal products only. Prefer to prepare soya milk at home as by this you can avoid adding preservatives and additives.
  4. Orange juice: Orange juice is fortified with Vitamin D and other nutrients. Homemade is juice perforable as it avoids artificial additives.

What is D vitamin? How it helps to our body?



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