Walking step forward to health


Walking step forward to health

Walking is a principle of exercise for a perfect body shape and posture and provides so many benefits. But it also has particular methodology and rules.

Come let us see what are they?

We need body movements to be fit both mentally and physically. While performing our day to day cores we think that we are walking extensively and there is no need to walk further as a physical exercise. But actually it’s not sufficient .So what to do? To get the benefits from exercises? Simple, walk for at least ½ hr for at least 3 to 4 days in a week. By this you may own so many health benefits.

Are there any conditions to start walking?

“Yes”. Don’t think to walk too long in the first day itself. By doing so you may get problems in foot, spine, and in joints. So starters, walk slowly in initial days later you can speed up gradually. Walk for only 15 minutes for a few days later you may increase the time. Do warm up exercises compulsorily uses to stretch the body to relax the muscles. After walk also do some stretching up exercises to stretch the body to relax the muscles. Totally we have to walk at least 10,000 steps per day. At a moment we cannot walk this much steps. So start with intervals taking breaks, first 4,000 then 6, 000, and then 8,000 like that .Drink water before and after walking then only the body gets energy. Walk foe at least ½ hr to ¾ hr daily and at least 3 to 4 days a week. Walk briskly as the total body will move and get exercise. There is another type of walking called power walking; in this both our hands move back and forth briskly.

Is it challenging to get habituated to walking?

We always become lazy to start exercises thinking will start from tomorrow or day after tomorrows. Likethat. Don’t postpone it. Start right from that day when you determined. Keep a goal and take it as a challenge. Go for some days slowly ill you get habituated. Keep some paedo meters in your phones or in your watches to count your steps as a it encourages you. It takes some time to get pleasure in walking. Once you get habituated you should continue it by yourself. Change the walking places to avoid monotony. Walk on hill or in parks or in gardens etc, Make a group with your friends or relatives or neighbours, as walking lonely may boring and there is always a chance to get lazy.

What are the health advantages you get by walking?

  1. Body weight will be under control.
  2. Danger of heart diseases will be decreases.
  3. Improves good cholesterol and reduces bad cholesterol.
  4. Blood Pressure will be under control.
  5. Removes tiredness.
  6. Reduces fats.
  7. Increases the density of bones and avoids the chances of osteoporosis.
  8. By walking we can get good sleep and get vitamin “D ‘and increases our immunity.
  9. According to American heart association, walking for about 11 minutes per day that means 75 minute per a week will extends our life span by 2 more years.

Mental Advantages.

  • Walking is like meditation.
  • By Walking for some time endorphins can release and get relief from stress.
  • Become active can increases sexual desires.
  • The performance of the mind increases.

Some studies says walking reduces  the problem of Dementia by 40%for walking daily about 20 minutes.

There is no rule to wear track suit to walk. You can wear according to your convenience Select shoes that give support and comfort to your feet.

Walking step forward to health



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