Low-Carbs diet for weight loss


Our body use stored fats to  get energy by burning

Our body used to burn the stored fats to get energy when it supplied less carbohydrates, thus promoting weight loss. Body cannot store extra fats if it gets less carbohydrates which ultimately depends on the stored fats to get energy. Low-carb diet has many health benefits. Low -carbs diet helps in promoting weight loss; besides it reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and reduces the blood sugar levels and lowers blood pressure and improves HDL cholesterol.

Low-carb diet:

Low-carb diet is avoiding all sugar foods, bread, pastas, rice, beans, potatoes, chocolates, candies, sofa, starchy vegetables and fruits. Low-carb diet is claimed as more effective than low-fat diet in weight loss program.

What happens when you are in low-carb diet?

Our body doesn’t store extra fats if it supplied less carbohydrates and to get energy body must burn the stored fats which ultimately results in weight loss. So, it is always better way to start low-carb diet.

Some low-carb foods:

Eggs:- Eggs are zero carbohydrate food and can add to your diet.

Meat:- Beef, chicken, lamb, pork are also highly nutrient and contain  less carbohydrates hence include in diet.

Vegetables with low-carbs:- Tomatoes, onion, cauliflower, cabbage, eggplant, cucumber, bell peppers, broccoli, green beans, mushrooms and leafy vegetables are highly nutrients and rich in vitamins and minerals like folate, proteins C vitamin and antioxidants, magnesium and potassium and contain less amount of carbohydrates.

Fruits:- Lemons, oranges, berries, strawberries, apricots, kiwis, lichiare pack of vitamin C, potassium, copper and antioxidants. So must include in the diet as they contain less carbohydrates and rich in nutritional value.

Seafood’s:-Fishes are said to be powerhouses of nutrients and rich in vitaminB12, iodine, and Omega3 fatty acids. Fishes like salmons, shrimps, sardines, lobster, catfish and tuna fish are zero-carb foods.

Nuts:-Almonds, walnuts, peanuts, chiaseeds, cashew, coconuts, pistachios, flax-seeds and pumpkin seeds are rich in fiber,proteins,and good fats and very less amount of carbs.

Beverages:- Tea, coffee, butter, yogurt, cream and chees have good amount of proteins, fats and vitamins and other nutrients and low in carbs.

The highlighting point is sudden cut of carbs and consuming more proteins and fats may leads to health issues like headaches, weakness, muscle cramps, fatigue and constipation/diarrhea for some time. Make sure to consult doctor before starting the diet.



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