Endangering Plastic pollution threat The Hazard


Endangering Plastic pollution threat The Hazard

Scientists estimated the micro molecules of plastic becomes a great pollution threat to mankind. They said, the concept of this pollution restricted to oceans is not a genuine one. They clarified it spread around everywhere that it is, in air, earth water etc.

When compared to oceans these plastic wastes r more on earth. In several studies they proved that these granules are present in soil, tap water, bottled water, and in the air we inhale .They focused on the study and experiment on this burning problem.

They said, these plastic pollutants are mixed in to the atmosphere mainly through the manures. This semi solid mud are used as manures in some countries. In this mud these plastic micro granules are more. By washing the clothes in homes the plastic micro molecules present in the threads will entre4 in drainage water. Like wise when the consumers of cosmetics cleans their cosmetics these plastics entre in to drainage water.

These granules comes from synthetic clothes and blankets and entering in atmosphere through manures. If these molecules enter in underwater they get contaminated or if hey remain in earth surface they may enter in to human body through the air we breathe.

Entering in to the body through dangerous Bacteria.

If this plastic waste molecules gets mixed up with the drainage water this menacing Bacteria enter in to our body. For manufacturing plastic they use different kinds of chemicals. These chemicals releases in the body damaging essential proteins and DNA. If these molecules can become in size of nanometre the body cells can absorb them.

So that body can get severe health disorders. Still now here is no such study which explains the effects of these plastics on our body. Every year around 33 crore metric tons of plastic is produced throughout the world. it is estimated it will become thrice by coming 2050.

Plastics in the Ocean Affecting Human Health



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