Some of most attractive and visiting historical places in London


Places to Visit in London

The London Eye:

London Eye is a cantilevered observatory wheel on the south bank of River Thames and termed as Europe’s tallest observation wheel and most famous tourist attraction in U.K. It is famous as one of London’s iconic structures and modern symbol of capital. It is of 443ft height and of 120metrs diameter. Its of 30 mints ride to up high and contain 32 capsules in which people can sit and have the pleasure of viewing the entire London areal view. From here we can have view of Big Ben, Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace and at far distance Windsor castle which is the Queens official residence.

Buckingham Palace:

It is the Royal workplace of her highness Queen and one of the iconic royal building. The famous parade of Queen lifeguards exchange takes place which is worth seeing.

Buckingham-PalaceWindsor castle:

The Queens royal residency built in the 11th century after the Norman invasion of England by William the Conqueror. It is notable for its long association with English and lates British royal family and for its architecture.

windsor-castleThe Westminister Abbey:

The Westminster Abbey is the royal church where the weddings and carnations of royal family takes place. The church is UNESCO World Heritage site. It is a significant structure in British history. A beautiful Gothic church. It is the one of most important collections and monumental sculpture.

The West minister AbbeyThe Houses of Parliament:

This is a huge massive construction depicting its royalty and of their culture. It is also known ad Westminster Palace and serves as the meeting place of house of commons and the House of Lords are two houses includes.

The Houses of ParliamentThe Big Ben:

It is the nick name for the great Bell of clock at the end of Parliament of London. Of height of 96mts. It’s also called as Elizabeth Tower., however commonly called ad Big Ben ad the clock is very big. It is the one of the prominent symbols of U.K. and establishing shot of films in London.

London Tower Bridge:

It is the most historical bridge on river Thames and one of the most iconic visiting attractions of London. Tower bridge is a combined bascule band suspension bridge built between 1886 to 1894.It is joined by two halves which are parted to open to give way to large ships on Thames.


Greenwich Mean time (GMT) is mean solar time at the Royal Observatory is Greenwich London. GMT is said to be the standard time. We can visit this by taking cruise ride from Tower Bridge to Greenwich. There we can see the line of Northern and southern meridian. It is considered to equivalent to UTI (the modern form of mean solar time at 0-degree longitude). The sun crosses the Greenwich meridian and reaches its highest point in the sky there, when no shadow will appear at the time. This may occur around 16 mints before or after GMT.Greenwich

Madame Tussauds Museum:

Madame Tussauds museum is a wax museum in London found by Marie Tussaud.It is a major tourist attraction in London. No tourist returns without seeing it. There we can see the wax works of famous and historically important figures as well as popular film and television characters besides London history. There are some of Indian film heroes and heroines wax figures in the museum.

Madam-Tussauds-MuseumNatural Museum:

Natural history museum is a vast rage of specimen from various segments of natural history. It is home for life and earth science specimens around 80 million in collection of botany, entomology, mineralogy, paleontology and zoology. Besides natural museum there is national museum and gallery.

Natural MuseumThere are many more attractions in London like, film museum, Royal botanic Garden, Stone house bath and Tower of London where the jewellery of The Queen kept. Worlds museum and theaters especially Shakespeare dramas theater, and Harry potter theater, St. Paul’s cathedral, Trafalgar square, which is a public square where public gatherings takes place. This is used for community meetings and demonstrations and annual celebrations on New Year’s Eve.



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