How to Lock and Unlock Biometric of Aadhaar for security?


Lock and Unlock Biometric of Aadhaar for security?

The Indian Government made it oblivious for every citizen to have Aadhaar for an address proof and for identity. Government takes it credible document. UIDAI issues Aadhaar card. Now the question is how far the biometric details of Aadhaar are secured? Does UIDAI take any measures to secure the information?

UIDAI provides lock/unlock biometric data online. This facility helps people in protecting their biometric information from miss using .It is worth nothing that many agencies require to verify the details of applicants through Aadhaar authenticate.

Procedures to lock/unlock Aadhaar biometric data online through mAadhaar app. which is official of UIDAI. There are 2 ways to lock/unlock your Aadhaar and can use them 24/7 to secure your information.

To follow:-Go to UIDAI ‘s online portal

Select the ”lock/unlock Biometrics“ from Aadhaar service section.

  • Enter the Aadhaar number which contains 12 digits and security code and click on send OTP( One Time Password). An OTP can be sent to your mobile.
  • Enter the OTP number in the text box and click login button.
  • It enables you to lock your biometrics.
  • Enter the 4 digit code on the screen and click “Enable button
  • If you want to access them you have to unlock it.
  • To unlock your biometric click on “login” button.
  • Enter Aadhaar card number and security code and click on send OTP.
  • An OTP will be send to mobile and enter the OTP in space given and click login.
  • In case of temporary enter the security code and click “Unlock” button. Then your biometrics will temporarily unlocked for 10 minutes. The time and date will be mentioned on screen after that time the biometrics will be automatically locked.

To disable the lock login to UIDAI portal using your Aadhaar card and enter no and security code, enter the security code and click the “disable” button and your Aadhaar biometric will be disabled permanently.

NOTE :: Better to install mAadhaar app for locking and unlocking for aadhaar. ( Click below image to download mAadhaar Android App for mobiles )

Aadhaar lock unlock app

Official Website:



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