How many times your heart beats per minute?



  • Like that there is always a game of numbers in our body.
  • B.P or glucose in blood everything are the signals of these numbers.
  • As long as body functions properly these counts remain perfect.
  • With small deviation may lead to differ in numbers and counts.
  • That means these are the measurements and ratification marks for our health.
  • Come have an eye on these important numbers.

Do you know your numbers? – 20-50

What is this 20-50? 

It is the count of vitamin D in our body. What is this vitamin D? Why is it essential for our health?

Sun light the alternative word for vitamin D. It is a special type of vitamin which our body produces with the help of sun light.  So being the sunny country we think that we won’t suffer with vitamin D deficiency. But according a survey 90% of people are suffering with D vitamin deficiency. Right from strengthening immunity and producing insulin, and helping in observing insulin by the tissues and controlling cell division D vitamin plays a key role. It helps the blood to absorb calcium in the food we take.

Deficiency of this vitamin will lead to bone degeneration, severe pains tiredness. In other words it can be said that vitamin D is a medicine for all life style disorders. So we have to take to maintain the D vitamin levels in body. There are so many varieties in this mostly D3 is useful which also called as colicalciferol.

It turns into 25 hydroxycalciferol after entering into liver. The normal lever of this in blood is 20ng/ml to 50ng/ml. If this level comes down below 12ng/ml that can be said d vitamin deficiency. So it is better to see that your body should be exposed to sunlight for some time. Consuming oil fish mushrooms, shark liver, cod-liver is good to retain the d vitamin levels.


Looks Every thing normal outside but will harm internally. Damaging blood vessels gradually causing to coagulate bad cholesterol there leading to heart attack, paralysis kidney failures, damaging eye sight etc.. etc,. problems will arise. The blood vessels in limbs intestine, and head may get damaged leading to sever pains and weakness. It will effect sexual life also. Decrease interest in sex in women. And causes sterility in men.

Means hi B.P will damage the whole body. So it is better to take care that b.p should be below normal that is below 120/80.It is medium blood pressure if it reaches to 129/80. It if between 130/80 to 139/89 it is called first stage. If it is 140/90 and above it can be considered as high B.P. so it is better to get checkups every now and then. Generally we think that High B.P patience should suffer with headache and nausea. But it not totally correct. We should know that sometimes when we suffer with high B.P but may not show any symptoms. By reducing consumption of salt in food, should control body weight, stop SMOKING, doing exercise regularly , and keep check in consuming alcohol we may save ourselves from the danger of high B.P. I f you are already suffering with High B.P. then consume medicines regularly and if you are diabetic should more be careful.

100[5.7%] – Do you know what is this?



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