How long should the diet plan continued to maintain weight loss?


Hormones effects our diet plan:

Diet plan should be continued up to 1 year to lose your weight. The hunger causing hormone Ghrelin takes at least 1 year to cease its production. And the hunger suppressing hormone called GLP-1 increased its release.

  • This is one impending question that how long we must be on diet to lose weight by diet plans?
  • There is no answer for this till yesterday but now science got answer for this contemplated question.
  • International Journal of Obesity published a stu5 on exact duration and revealed the time one can need to diet to reduce weight.

Body fights against diet initially and tend to eat more when you set to diet:

Researchers  from University of Copenhagen experimented on some people who are under diet plan and found the impact of weight loss for two years . Most diets lead to surge i the hunger causing hormones. During this period people may face severe hunger which probe to eat unhealthy foods which spoils diet plan. Researchers kept 20 people under strict low-calorie diet for about 8 weeks, which extends to 12 months weight maintenance programme. During this period participants have regular contact with dietitians and undergone tips of lifestyle and diet tracking-calendar.

Blood samples reveal the amount of  release of  hunger hormones and hunger suppressing hormones. The researchers collect the blood samples of the participants during entire program. Before the program starts, and after 8 weeks, and after 12 months. On an overall basis participant lose 13% of their body weight on av3.But the significant change is the hunger causing hormone ghrelin ceased, whereas the hunger suppressing hormone GLP-1 level increased.

Other studies say when you get to lose your wright body naturally revolts against. But you persist to keep your wright loss plan for 1 year it sets to accustomed and become easier to maintain further. Continuing the diet plan enhances the body to get accustomed to the new weight and lifestyle, by helping your cravings, thus losing weight and maintain it.

                                               Credit by: TOI


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