Does water plays a key role in weight loss?


Water is zero-caloried elixir:

Water said to be the potion and philter with its zero-calories and provides multifarious benefits. Even though knowing its facts people generally neglect drinking water in require amount and plans to lose weight which is impossible.

Average of water for men is 3.7ltrs per day and for women it is 2.7 letters including beverages and drinks consumed. So, one can take care to drink at least required amount of water. Should not drink excess as it may lead to hypothermia, otherwise called water intoxication. By observing the color of urine, we can measure the quantity of water should take. If the color of urine is dark yellow can say they need more water and this condition may lead to dehydration. Dietitians stress to identify the symptoms of dehydration. Thirst, dry mouth, headache and even dizziness and lethargic, are symptoms of dehydration.

But the need of water varies from person to person. Those who work out in Jim requires more water and must drink at least 16 ounces of water before workout and at least 4-8 ounces while working out as they shed sweat vigorously during work out. For athletes also same applies. People who live in hot environment need excess water. If we made it to fine on water-rich foods and drinks no need of excess water to drink. Water intake us also based on the wright of your body. If you weigh around 180 pounds you should drink at least 90 ounces of water per day.

How to keep ourselves away from dehydration?

It is better to keep a water bottle with us always. Make sure on the quantity of eater you take. If you feel difficult to drink 2to 3 letters a day you can include water rich goods like fruits and vegetables plenty in your diet. Some time we get confused thirst as hunger, then have a glass of water first than eating junk food.

Water helps to flush out toxins from the body

Water flush out the toxins and help as propellant of our body in exercise and enhances metabolism. And water prevents extra eating by giving a fullness feeling while eating. This helps to control overeating.

Lastly stressing the need of water on wright loss as it is a vital compound. Besides this one should also focus on healthier eating and exercise, and at least 6 to 8hours good sleep for better results.

                                                                                                Credit by: Pinkvilla


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