What does blue light do to your eyes?

What does blue light do to your eyes?

Once there is a time when we do our works in day light and slept in the dusk. That is natural life style on...
Do you know about internal pollution in cars?

Do you know about internal pollution in cars?

Pollution in cars There is always the problem of traffic if we want to use car. And the terror of pollution if mirrors open. So...

Andhra Pradesh Festivals

Andhra Pradesh South India celebrates Harvest Fesitval with great pomp and show. All of the four states of southern India celebrate this grand festival in...
Do you ever recognise the limit for sharing on social walls

Do you ever recognize the limit for sharing on social walls?

Social Media: Many milinials who roam in social media are behaving ad if they are ideal swearing masks of fack identities .Psychologists are explaining...
Online frauds are increasing in India

Online frauds are increasing in India

Online Frauds For every four members one person is subjected to this financial online fraud in Indians. Now a day’s digital transactions are increasing day by...
A stupendous solution for plastic pollution

A stupendous solution for plastic pollution

BIO PLASTIC Bio plastic which is degradable in soil is the alternative for plastic pollution. Corn flour, prawn husk, sago are raw materials for making bio...
What effects can the Environment have on Health?

What effects can the Environment have on Health?

Social awareness The stacked up E-wastes accumulating in our country beating the top countries. Now we are in a situation that one side manufacturing these...
