Is CAN Water up to the Health Standards?

Is CAN-Water up to the Health Standards?

Is CAN-Water up to the Health Standards? Nowadays people became aware of the necessity of drinking pure water. In the verge of this pure water...
What does blue light do to your eyes?

What does blue light do to your eyes?

Once there is a time when we do our works in day light and slept in the dusk. That is natural life style on...
Switch to Human Mode from Auto Mode

Switch to Human Mode from Auto Mode

45°+ Temperature in many places.... some one wrote ✍to Sun 🌞.. Dear Sun 🌞, Please go to Settings ⚙>Display>Brightness🌔 and Lower your Brightness🌔! Please, its too...
The value of an Individual

The value of an Individual

A life Morale Once a man wants to know the real value of himself. He went to God and asked the same. God gave him...
How good to get the organs regenerate?

How good to get the organs regenerate?

SELF HEALING POWER Do you ever heard about movies Valvoline and Deadpool? If not you should note the important point. In both the movies there...
How to break link between Mobile and Aadhaar

How to break link between Mobile and Aadhaar

Right now everyone focusing on telecom companies as Supreme Court issued ordinance to reconsider the mobile connections issued on the details given in. The...
What is the damage caused by virus rain?

What is the damage caused by virus rain?

Recently scientists from Spain tried to collect these viruses by keeping large buckets on mountains of Siyara Nevada. But why? Because they recognize that virus are...
