Bigg Boss 2 telugu 15th week elimination highlights


Sunday episode started with dhoom dhaam on the eve of vinayak nimazzan. Nani started the show with campaign of his own film Devdaas and there entered Hero Nagarjuna with whom nani co-starring in the film. Later nani took audience and guest Nagarjuna to the house surprising housemates complaining to him how the housemates troubled him. Nagarjuna showed the housemates the trailer of the film Devdaas. He wished the housemates to win the title.

Later heroins Akanksha singh and Rashmika entered. The housemates interacted with them. Later Nani asked the housemates to campaign themselves why me? to vote explaining why they have to be voted and why the others are not to be voted. Starting with koushal.

Koushal started his campaign with a pitta kadha. Which portrays his pain and feeling he felt in the house. Actually it is not required as audience seen everything what happened in the house and he gained their affection now it is in the hands of audience. By portraying housemates as hunters who hunt him badly nothing much he gains with this in other words it may sometimes become adverse to his character [Stating himself as winner, may reach to audience as arrogance and attitude].

Instead of venting his frustration on them he might express what he learned from each of the contestants. What happened is happened it all seen by audience and he gained audience then why this again? He always does this like what explanation he gave to Nani in Saturdays episode calling housemates as dogs . He tried to give silly explanation with acronym for Kukk, Which is totally absurd. O.k if he lose his temper as the housemates triggered him that peek level he once accepted his mistake and asked sorry to each of the contestants that’s enough. When he is asked by Nani he should agree this and accept it dignified and ask sorry publicly.

Instead of this he always tries to cover up his mistakes with lame lies. It always throws his fans in defence. On other side the housemates played very smartly to gain the audience. Especially Deepthi she won the hearts with her campaign. No doubt it’s a wonderful campaign me afraid it can split the votes. Others also tried to gain the votes. It’s all looked like they have been pre –informed not spontaneous.

Later came elimination time. Nani today declared the names of contestants who entered in final instead of who have been in safe zone as the forth coming week is the final week of the season-2 First he took the name of SAMRAT who is already in final 5 latter he confirmed koushal name. The thirds contestant is Geetha forth stood Tanish and lastly Deepthi eliminating Roll rida this week. Roll came out of the house bidding bye to housemates and talked to Tanish and Samrat. As this week is the final there is no Big Bomb.



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