A stupendous solution for plastic pollution



Bio plastic which is degradable in soil is the alternative for plastic pollution. Corn flour, prawn husk, sago are raw materials for making bio plastics.

Less cost, light weight, enable to consume easily make the usage of plastic crossed our estimation in short span of time. But the question is that tons of plastic consumed by mankind is decomposing in the soil? Dissolving in soil? The answer is a big “No”. Then what is happening to these tons of plastic wastes? What damage they are causing to environment?

Depending upon their chemical composition, Plastics and resins have varying properties related to contaminant absorption, polymer degradation, takes much longer as a result of hyaline environments and the lackadaisical effect of the sea. Occupying ocean abyss and landfills releasing carbon [pollutant] in large scale causing the increasing temperature on earth’s surface. Due to this high temperature ice blocks are melting causing raising the sea levels. If it continues there may not be any earth part to live mankind. According to the survey done by California, Georgia, sea education association institutes. Every year around 6300metric tons of plastic wastes are releasing. Out of this only 9%plastic has been re used. 79%of the remaining plastic reaches to landfills. The carbon pollution released by this plastic is vandalizing earth’s environment.

It is assumed that these bio plastics may become substituted to regular plastics. The plastic that we use nowadays is manufacturing from non-renewable resources like petroleum products. Whereas bio plastics can be manufacture from the renewable resources like corn flour, sago, seaweeds, and prawn husk .The resources used to normal plastic are limited and they are no degradable in earth. And also a danger of plasticizes like bisiphynol dissolve and enter into food. Bisophynol is a carcinogen which causes cancers. Should be avoid especially in milk products and tins of children. Whereas in case of bio plastic it is easily degradable in earth and releases carbon pollutants less than 70% of petro plastics. And no bisphynol in bio plastics safe to use.

Is Bio plastic in Usage?

Nowadays bio plastics extensively using in making cooking vessels, shopping bags and food packing. It is also using in manufacturing automobile spare parts. Mean to say from long before ,.for manufacturing spare parts of ford cars they used fats of maze and sea beans .Nowadays foreign countries using them in manufacturing food containers, grocery bags, food pickings. Likewise the role of bio plastic in engineering fields also extensive. Bio plastics are also used in manufacturing electrical and electronic gadgets. Consuming of bio plastics increasing extensively in manufacturing automotive, electronics food, beverages packaging agriculture, cloths health protection instruments.

Merits of bio plastics:

  • Dissolves in earth rapidly.
  • Compared to petro plastics releases carbon compounds less than 70%.
  • No cancer causing agent bisphynol in bio plastics
  • When compared to petro plastic these bio degradable plastic is different. The polymers will decompose rapidly and mix in the soil easily .so there will not be any discomfort to biosphere.


By consuming this corn and sago to manufacture this bio plastic there may arise a scope for sever food shortage in near future.

To decomposing bio plastic oxygen is essential. When gone in to recycling along with chemical plastics in shortage of oxygen they release methane gas in large quantities which is also harmful to earth’s environment.

When bio plastic used to store food materials there is a scope for eaten by germs. So that the self-life will decrease.

A stupendous solution for plastic pollution



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